- Protection Cover
- Front panel built with high class insulated Printed Circuit Board sheet with well printed circuits and symbols.
- Fuse for Short Circuit protection
- Instruction manual.
- Connections are brought out through 4mm Colored Sockets.
- Patch Cords 4mm.
- The trainer is housed in Metal cabinet.
- Size of the trainer set 14”x12” and 18’x12’
Digital Meters:
- Voltmeter 2000V ACV
- Voltmeter 2000V DC
- Ammeter 2A DC
Power supplies:
- Power Supply +15Vat 150mA
- Isolated Supply 0-110V or 24V AT 1A.
- Operated on Mains power 415V, 50Hz +10%
Components are mounted on the panels are:
- SCR TYN604
- Diode 1N5408 and BA159
- AC Phase Control by Gate Control Firing Circuit R, Y and B Phases.
- Resistive Load (Lamp and Resistor 20W)
- DC Shunt Motor 1/2Hp as Inductive Load