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EST-35 Needle Electroscope

EST-35 Needle Electroscope

Our electroscope is useful for physics teachers to illustrate electrostatic principles of charging and charge interactions.

Students can understand how an electroscope behaves as a charge-detecting device.

The electroscope is made up of sheet metal walls that are attached to a plastic base.

The front glass window slides up to allow for the insertion of ionizing material in the chamber. 

The light-weight metal vane which rests upon a support stand is free to rotate about its pivot and is used as a pointer in the electroscope.

This light weight metal blade deflects when the electroscope plate is charged.

Therefore, by observing any deflection of the needle, the presence of charge in either the electroscope or a nearby object can be determined.

Our electroscope comes with two accessories: an electrophorus disc and a spherical electrode.

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