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Pulleys are useful for student experiments.

They are one of the oldest and the simplest machines.

By using pulleys in different combinations and arrangements, students will discover for themselves how pulleys are useful in making work easier.

Student recall of pulley principles is guaranteed to increase after this hands on experiment.

These pulleys are mounted in a metal frame that prevents the same from slipping off.

They are non-deformable, low-friction pulleys with cord grooves and hooks at the end of both axles for suspending from fixed support or other pulleys.

They have an accurate centered alignment.

They can be bought as a set or individually.

Various options available include:

  1. Single pulley, Diameter: 50mm.
  2. Double pulley (Parallel arrangement)
  3. Double tandem pulley, Diameter: 38mm, 50mm.
  4. Triple pulley (Parallel arrangement)
  5. Triple tandem pulley, Diameter: 25mm,38mm,50mm.
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