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It is used for the determination of acceleration due to gravity by the free fall method.

This apparatus is very easy to set up and use but nevertheless highly accurate.

The apparatus consists of 2 steel spheres and an electromagnet which is housed in a plastic moulded case.

There are socket connections provided to energize the magnet and another pair of sockets for connection to the timers.

In use, the electromagnet is energized and a metal sphere is held in the start position by the same.

As soon as the power to the electromagnet is switched off, the sphere is released, thus triggering the beginning of the timing measurement.

When the sphere strikes the contact plate at the bottom, the timer is stopped. The sphere is also held firmly on the plate so that it does not bounce.

The height through which the sphere drops can be read off a scale on the column.

With the digital timer, one can measure the time taken for the sphere to fall from its start position to the contact plate.

Thus, with these values, the acceleration due to gravity, ’g’ can be determined accurately.

The digital timer is included in the set.

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