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A four-stroke engine (also known as four-cycle) is an internal combustion engine in which the piston completes four separate strokes which constitute a single thermodynamic cycle. The four separate strokes are termed as Intake, Compression, Power, and Exhaust. The fuel used is diesel. Air is compressed first and then the fuel is injected.

This model shows the internal structure and the operating principles of a four stroke water-cooled diesel engine.

This is of the chain-driven overhead camshaft type and all functional components like camshaft, rock-arms, tappets etc. are clearly demonstrated.

The valves are clearly evident, cams being driven by a gear train from the rear of the main crank.

The functioning of fuel injection system is also represented.

Cross sections of the fuel supply is also shown.

Hand powered motion supplied through a crank demonstrates the moving parts of the engine.

Crank shaft, piston, valves and cams, cycle through all stages of the four-stroke process as the hand crank is rotated.

Ignition is shown by means of a miniature bulb.

The model is mounted on a base that comes with a labeled placard which also has printed diagrams explaining the working of the engine.

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