+91-171-2977793, 3501111-1140 exports@radicalscientific.com




‘When you take off a pullover from over a nylon shirt, there is a crackling sound.’

‘A pen rubbed with a piece of cloth will pick up small pieces of paper.’

‘A television screen easily collects dust.’

‘You sometimes get a small electric shock when getting out of a car.’

‘If you roll over in bed, you can sometimes see small flashes of light between the sheets.’

‘In a thunderstorm there are huge flashes of lightning.’

All these phenomena are due to the same thing - STATIC ELECTRICITY.
Static electricity is exactly what you would think it is - electricity that is not moving. You can usually make it by friction.

We at Radical take you on a very interesting journey where we offer a wide range of quality products explaining all these simple electrostatics phenomena which are a part of our day to day life.

Our electrostatic products are appropriate for all grade levels. They are a wonderful teaching tool, and offer an amazing hands-on experience.

Irrespective of the grade-level, our Van de Graaff is always a hit.

Purchase with confidence at Radical- we provide a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

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