+91-171-2977793, 3501111-1140 exports@radicalscientific.com




Our burettes are widely used in analytical chemistry for delivering known volumes of liquids, especially in processes involving titration. These burettes are calibrated tubes with a stopcock at their lower end. The flow of liquid can be regulated with the stopcock valve.
We offer burettes with glass stopcock valves, PTFE stopcocks, and with the PTFE needle valve (rota flow) stopcocks. The PTFE stopcocks come with the advantage that they do not need greasing.
Another category is the Schelbach burette which has a vertical blue line on a wider white stripe, fused onto the back of the burette along its entire length to simplify and facilitate the accurate reading of the meniscus. This assists in avoiding parallax mistakes.
We also offer the Automatic Burette which is a self-zeroing burette that comprises of a thick flask with a ground glass joint which has a specially designed burette mounted on it. It includes a PTFE key stopcock/ PTFE needle valve stopcock/ ground glass stopcock and rubber bellows. These burettes can be customized with a second stopcock too that allows draining the solution back into the flask directly.
We offer a wide range of burettes with varying capacities. Customization can be done as per one’s requirement.

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