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Measuring Cylinder

Measuring Cylinder


Measuring cylinders are commonly used in laboratories to receive and measure the volume of a liquid. Our measuring cylinders are calibrated to contain TC, IN which means the contained quantity of the liquid corresponds to the capacity indicated on the instrument.
Also commonly referred to as the ‘Mixing cylinders’ or the ‘Graduation cylinders’, they basically have a narrow and tall cylindrical shape.We offer measuring cylinders in different sizes and with a wide range of capacities. They can also be customized according to the need of the client.
Our cylinders come with easy-to-read graduations for assured accuracy. The perfect spout design assures pouring without any drips. We also provide mixing cylinders with ground glass joints and with the option of PP stoppers or glass stoppers (hexagonal, penny head or solid).
The broad base provides good stability. It may be round or hexagonal (that ensures even greater stability), as per one’s requirement. Another category is the ‘Nessler cylinder’, which has a plane flat bottom. This finds application in the colorimetric analysis of solutions.

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