+91-171-2977793, 3501111-1140 exports@radicalscientific.com




Pipettes are widely used in analytical labs in chemistry, biology and medicine to deliver accurately a fixed volume of liquid. We offer a wide range of pipettes including the volumetric pipettes, serological pipettes, Mohr pipettes, milk testing Gerber pipettes, etc.
They are available in a variety of capacities and can also be customized as per one’s requirement.
Our Volumetric pipettes allow the user to measure a volume of solution extremely precisely (precision of four significant figures). They come with a reservoir between two long narrow portions and a single graduation mark.
Our Serological pipettes come with a uniform tip and are calibrated to deliver. They come with negative graduations and have a color-coded band for easy identification.
Our Mohr pipettes provide an accurate way of delivering liquids. Here the calibration marks do not extend to the tip, but to a point above the tip.
Our Gerber Pipettes are used for testing milk by the Gerber method. They are the one mark transfer pipettes for measuring 10.75 ml.

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